Corporate Partnerships

Enhancing Family-Friendly Spaces

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Why Partner With AVIXXI?

Children and young people, have specific needs that should be supported by their environment. Comfort and safety are crucial as a pleasant and safe environment promotes learning and increases well-being. Our solutions meets the highest safety standards to minimize the risk of injury while creating an atmosphere in which children feel comfortable and develop.

Innovative Designs

sparking children's imagination


is our priority in playful spaces


environments where young minds thrive


solutions for future generations

most in-demand courses

Creating Family-Friendly Spaces for

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Offices with family-friendly zones or child care facilities for employees' children.

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Malls and Large Retailers

Large retailers aiming to enhance shopping experiences for families with dedicated children's play areas or interactive learning stations

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Airlines and Transportation Companies

Airline companies and public transportation authorities interested in creating child-friendly lounges or play areas in terminals and stations

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Entertainment and Media Companies

Organizations in the entertainment sector looking to create interactive and educational exhibits or zones in theme parks, cinemas, and studios

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Construction and Real Estate Firms:

Businesses focused on building family-friendly residential communities with integrated play parks, educational facilities, and safe outdoor spaces

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Interior Designers

Our creations offer interior designers innovative, child-friendly furniture solutions, perfectly blending aesthetics with safety and functionality for family-oriented spaces

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Financial Institutions

Banks and financial services companies offering family-oriented spaces within their customer service areas

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Automotive Companies

Car manufacturers and dealerships with customer waiting areas, aiming to provide family-friendly facilities that engage children during visits

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Our Solution

AVWoodsy has designed a furniture collection specifically tailored to the needs of children and young people. We offer a Swiss product with the highest safety standards and ergonomic design. Inspired by Montessori education, our furniture promotes independence and engagement by encouraging activity and learning. They offer everything from comfortable lying surfaces to functional play and learning furniture to improve the hospital experience, promoting both physical and mental recovery. In addition, our products are designed to stimulate social interaction and make the stay for young patients as positive and enriching as possible.

Montessori Principles

Montessori pedagogy is based on self-directed learning and encouraging the child's natural development, preferring wooden toys over plastic as they enrich the sensory experience through texture and weight. Wooden toys also support sustainability and longevity, which is consistent with the Montessori principles of mindfulness and respect for the environment. In the development process, emphasis is placed on aesthetic simplicity and functionality to stimulate children's creativity and imagination. In contrast, plastic toys can often be overstimulating and contribute less to the development of fine motor skills.

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At AVWoodsy, sustainability is not a trend, but a fundamental part of our philosophy and our actions. We are aware of the responsibility we have towards the environment, our community and future generations. We carefully select materials that are known not only for their quality and durability, but also for their environmental impact. From FSC-certified wood to organic paint.Our Swiss manufacturing facility uses advanced technologies and processes designed to minimize energy consumption and waste. Through efficient manufacturing processes and the reuse of resources, we strive for the lowest possible environmental impact.

meet our expert team


Project management from the first idea to the final implementation


We support and sponsor educational projects in any way we can


Our strength lies in bespoke design and manufacturing, which enables us to develop unique products and solutions .


Your safety standards is my highest priority


Photo and video editing to share your concepts to your community


We design spaces that invite play, learning and growth, with a deep understanding of individual needs

what our References say

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Dave Junker

“We are delighted to create memorable experiences for families thanks to AVWoodSy exceptional range of products. This endorsement reflects a tangible shift towards child-centric luxury that is both meaningful and delightful”

GM Sangri-La Mactan Cebu

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Dr. Med Flavia Ada

This collaboration with AVWoodSy is not just about toys and health, but about creating a future in which children can grow, play and thrive while being assured that they are receiving the best possible health and developmental support.

Chinderdokter - Zurich

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Andrei Mainea

I recently had the pleasure of working with AvWoodsy to create a beautiful cabinet for my daughter, along with several wooden toys, and I cannot recommend them highly enough. From start to finish, the process was not only smooth but also incredibly enjoyable. Their team is talented, passionate, and genuinely cares about delivering the best possible product to their customers

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